Mecca Sports

Ph: 1300 652 195

202 Winton Road, JOONDALUP, WA, 6027, AU

Our uniform supplier is Mecca Sports in Joondalup.
Dresses are compulsory ($65).

Second Hand Uniforms

Remember to post your secondhand uniform sales on the ‘Community’ tab of our Facebook page – or bring it along to grading and donate it to BNC to be used as a ‘spare’.

Beaumaris Netball Club prides itself on being appropriately presented at all games therefore it is compulsory for each player to have the correct uniform.

All players are required to wear the BNC Playing Dress

uniform dress 2015

Players must also wear SHORT Black Boy Leg / Bike Shorts over underwear.

Please note the following are not permitted:

Bike shorts that show below skirt length and long sleeved tops under the playing shirt

Or the Unisex Uniform which can be custom ordered from Mecca Sports. (They do not carry stock but will order specifically).

Footwear:  BNC players are required to wear appropriate footwear to games and training to aide in injury prevention, no skate shoes, volleys, smooth soled shoes or shoes that do not lace up.  Umpires are able to prevent players taking the court in the event that they are not wearing suitable footwear.

Any uniform infringement will result in JNA penalising the offending team by 2 goals for each player not correctly attired.