We offer the opportunity for netball players of all levels to participate equally in teams. The focus is for the enjoyment of all, in an environment of inclusion and respect for all player abilities.  We cater for Girls from 7yrs to Opens (18+) and Boys from 7U’s – 12U’s.  Players that have the determination and desire to play at a higher level are encouraged to progress through the Netball Australia Athlete Pathway. 

Registration Online

Welcome to the 2025 winter netball season at Beaumaris Netball Club.

This pack contains a lot of important information regarding the upcoming season.

Please note:

All on-line registrations must be accompanied with full payment.

Before completing the Beaumaris Netball Club player on-line registration process, please read carefully BNC Policies and Guidelines (downloads as separate file) particularly those regarding your obligations to the Club under its Code of Conduct for Players, Parents/Spectators and Officials. For more information on our constitution please click ->   BNC Constitution 

Closing Date 16th February 2025– Juniors (11&U-18&U) and Seniors (19+)

Closing Date 28th February 2025 – NetSetGO (7&U – 10&U) Modified Competition

Late registrations will be considered if there are places available within the relevant age group. 

PlayHQ Login Registration instructions

Returning members – enter email address and password. If you have forgotten your login details please click on ‘Forgot Password’

New members – ‘Sign Up’ or “Create New account”

Choose the appropriate Competition suitable for your child’s date of birth

Complete child’s details and parent details,

Complete payment section

A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you listed.

If registering a NetSetGO player you will receive an email to redeem a participant pack.

During March you will receive an email from Beaumaris Netball Club with coach, training and game details.

Please click on the below link to register your child in their appropriate age group.

NetSetGO (7&u-10&U)

11 & under – Opens

For a more detailed look into NetSetGO please visit NetSetGO Information

There will be separate competitions for 7&U, 8&U, 9&U and 10&U.

The NetSetGO program for Children aged 5 & 6 is held at HBF Arena Joondalup on Saturday mornings. Please contact Joondalup Netball Association joondalupnetball@bigpond.com 

You will need your PlayHQ login details for this – Instructions below. 

KidSport vouchers will need to be applied for and the voucher number entered at time of registration. If you are unsure of your PlayHQ login status contact the club registrar.


Please contact – beaumarisregistrar@gmail.com   

Please visit the Beaumaris NC Facebook page for more Registration Information


Fees for 2025 – Excluding the PlayHQ processing Fee


Registration close by


Born 2018


28th February 2025


Born 2017


28th February 2025


Born 2016


28th February 2025


Born 2015


28th February 2025


Born 2012


16th February 2025


Born 2011


16th February 2025


Born 2010


16th February 2025


Born 2010-2011


16th February 2025


Born 2009-2007


16th February 2025


Born 2006 or earlier


16th February 2025


Our end of season presentations will be split into NSG (7U-10U) at a play centre and the 11U-Opens for a sit down dinner at a function centre. For the 11U – Opens function there will be a co payment of approx $20 per person.

MEDICALS – Please ensure that the coach and team manager are notified of any conditions, medical or otherwise, prior to start of season.

Kidsport Vouchers

Enables eligible Western Australian children aged 5 to 18 years to participate in community sport by offering them financial assistance of up to $500 per calendar year towards club fees. Applicant must be aged 5 to 18 years. Applicant must be named on a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, with their individual Centrelink Client Reference Number (CRN) clearly displayed on the uploaded card. If you are eligible for KidSport you must register with your local government before registering your child with Beaumaris Netball Club. Once you have applied for KidSport please contact our registrar and provide her with the Kidsport voucher code.

KIDSPORT –For more information go to: https://www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/funding/sport-and-recreation-funding/kidsport

Withdrawing registration.

Should you need to withdraw your registration, please inform the Registrar via email. All refunds will be processed in accordance with our fees policy which can be found BNC Policies and Guidelines.

AFTER the grading process has taken place, then a refund may be given minus an administrative fee $50, this will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. If the individual withdraws after affiliation data has been submitted to Joondalup Netball Association (mid March) then they will receive a partial refund of the JNA component only. The amount of the refund will be determined by the executive committee.


BNC are offering the following training sessions prior to grading, these are not compulsory but to provide all players with an opportunity to build on their individual fitness level. All age groups are welcome.

Tuesday 4th February – 6pm Falklands Courts

Tuesday 11th February – 6pm Falklands Courts

Grading Process

In Australia, Netball is a graded sport and as a Development Club, Beaumaris Netball Club policy is to follow this process, therefore grading is considered compulsory for all athletes turning 11 years and over with the aim to form teams that have a balanced group of players of similar ability. For more information please visit our website. GRADING

Grading dates: Tuesday 18th February & Tuesday 25th February 2024
Grading is compulsory for all players 11&U to Opens. Players must attend both sessions.

11U, 12U & 13U: 5.30-6.45pm, please arrive 15 mins prior to register and warm up
15U,18U: 7.00-8.30pm, please arrive at 6.30pm to register and warm up

Opens: 25th Feb, 8pm

Grading is considered compulsory; therefore, any player unable to attend all of their grading sessions (without prior notification) cannot be guaranteed to be placed in a team that best suits their playing ability.  If you have a problem with attending any or all of your grading dates, PLEASE contact our Development Officer by email bncnetballdevp@gmail.com

Or Club President, Alison Clark by email beaumarisnc@gmail.com  prior to grading days.


Once registrations and grading (11&U-18&U only) has taken place BNC will contact you (mid – March) to let you know what team your child is in. After that you will receive an email from your coach with training details, for teams that do not have a coach, teams will be contacted to ask for parent assistance in coaching.

Beaumaris Netball Club train at Falklands Park Courts in Kinross and play at HBF Arena Joondalup outdoor netball courts, generally BNC teams will train on a Tuesday afternoon, although training day/time is at the discretion of the Coach. Coaches have volunteered their time to provide training and therefore we encourage players to respect this by attending their given training session each week. Players are required to be at games 30 minutes prior to the published start time. Players must wear correct playing uniform, Black bike shorts under dresses, correct footwear and display a high standard of behaviour whilst representing Beaumaris Netball Club.

MEDICALS – Please ensure that the coach and team manager are notified of any conditions, medical or otherwise, prior to start of season.

2025 Game Day Timeslots

The netball season starts on Monday the 29th April 2025 (15U – Opens) and for NSG, 11U – 13U on Saturday 3rd May 2025. Joondalup Netball Association will announce game times late March. All teams play at HBF Arena Joondalup outdoor netball courts. For updates on fixtures, game times and court allocation get the Netball HQ app. https://www.playhq.com/au/apps/netballhq

All match times are at the discretion of Joondalup Netball Association.  Please keep this in mind when registering your child, as players will not be permitted to move teams to suit other commitments that may clash with game times. 


For every Saturday team BNC has to provide umpires. Please contact our Umpire Coordinator at   beaumarisumpirecoord@gmail.com . Joondalup Netball Association provides umpires for the Monday Night competition.

Joondalup Netball Association conduct Green Shirt umpiring courses in Spring starting at an introductory level. Please contact Joondalup Netball Association for more information.


GREAT NEWS for 2025. We are introducing a new uniform and will be supplying a dress or playing singlet with every registration. Registrations must be done by the 8th March to ensure arrival of uniform in time for first game. Sizing chart can be found online.

Dresses are compulsory or we have a singlet and shorts option. Dresses must be worn with BLACK bike shorts underneath. For any questions please contact our Uniform Coordinator beaumarisuniform@gmail.com


Every year we need to fill volunteer coaching positions for our teams. If you would be interested in coaching please contact our Development Officer bncnetballdevp@gmail.com or Club President beaumarisnc@gmail.com . Parents and players are encouraged to register as coaches. There will be training and lots of support during the season. Coaches maybe required to complete a Working with Children check – please contact our registrar for details beaumarisregistrar@gmail.com