Good to know
Here are a few other bits and pieces to give you a hand…
Manager’s Roles
As the Manager you are the first contact person for each team. It is important that you are there to assist the coach so they can focus on coaching.
This link has some guidelines for ways you can do this: Managers Role.
Games Played
Can coaches/managers please remember to keep a record of how many games each player has played (including any carnivals where they are wearing BNC uniform and representing our club).
Please include the names of players that have filled in from other teams by playing “up”, so that theses games also count towards that players total.
At the presentation breakfast players will be awarded certificates or trophies to mark specific milestone number of games played for the club. A good place to record this is in your coaching hand book.
End of Season Coaches & Managers Schedule
Click on the link below for information for Coaches & Managers for the preparation of our Annual Presentation Breakfast.
BNC Coaches and Managers – End Of Year Information 2014
Beaumaris Netball Club Year Book
Click on the link below for an example of what Coaches would submit for the Year Book that is received by each player at the Presentation Breakfast.
Please use it as a guideline if you are unsure of what to write about your team.