Individual Achievements
Individual Achievements 2023
Beaumaris players that represented the club for JNA at the FTGP long weekend carnival.
Eliana Chester
Kyla Drayton
Hayley Bowness
Isla Collins
Rozy DeKlerk
Stevie Gill
Jessica Jones
Laila Colic – train on
Samantha Davey
Emilynne Lawton
Stephanie Inkster
Kelly Erasmus
Celeste Mullarkey
Sarah Tonkin
Olivia Proctor
Ava Madden
Lauren Kershaw
Caitlyn Davison
Steph Holt
Sarah Phipps
Jess Sivec
Kaley Hood
Individual Achievements 2022
Individual Achievements 2021
Metro League is an Association representative competition, bridging the gap between Association club netball and the Western Australian Netball League ( WANL).
The Competition sees the best players, coaches and umpires of each association involved in a eight week competition which was held this year in August and September at the State Netball Centre.
Congratulations to the following BNC Athletes and coaches who represented JNA in the Metro League:
14’s – Sam Davey
16’s – Caitlyn Davison
Opens – Tahlia Bryant, Lauren Kershaw
Coaches- Alison Clark, Ingrid Bryant.
Association FTGP Championships:
The Fuel to Go & Play Association Championships form part of the Netball WA pathway.
The Association Championships provide a wonderful opportunity for players and officials from Associations from across the State to come together and enjoy the experience and compete against each other.
The Association Championships are held over the WA Day long week end in June.
Congratulations to the following BNC athletes, Coaches and Umpires who represented JNA:
12’s – Jessica Jones, Laila Colic, Sophie Early.
13 WDNA – Jade White.
13A – Sam Davey, Darcey McDowell.
13B – Reagan Adametz, Emilynne Lawton, Celeste Mullarkey, Tyla Lee Sparrow.
17A – Ava Madden, Sarah Tonkin.
17B – Caitlyn Davison.
Opens – Sarah Phipps.
Umpires – Tilly Coles-Dyke.
Coaches – Ingrid Bryant.
NSG skills program with JNA – Amy Thompson.
Individual Achievements 2020
Individual Achievements 2018
Hana Stokes has been selected into the WA state U19s team, playing Nationals in Adelaide in April!
Congratulations to her and family. Especially since mum and her three other sisters all played for BNC!
The following players were selected for the JNA STSAC squads in 2018
Mischa Drysdale
Tegan Edwards
Carys Yates
Ceinwen Tuffrey
Caitlyn Davison
Ava Madden
Amy Beissel
Sarah Tonkin
Annie Alsop
Rylee Hall
Maisie Henderson
Sarah Phipps
Maddie George
Georgia Taylor
Rosy Allen
Congratulations to our BNC athletes selected in the 2019 JNA Metro League Squads
Caitlyn Davison
Teagan Edwards
Rylee Hall
Alex Phipps
Sarah Phipps
Georgia Taylor
Rosy Allen
Darcie Birchall
Ebony Walton
Melissa Baker
Tahlia Bryant
Imogen Resta
Rachel Simmonds
Individual Achievements 2017
Robyn Windeatt has been selected in the State 12 & Under netball team and will travel to Adelaide in December.
Superb effort Robyn – well done!
Congratulations to all the girls that were selected to represent JNA at the STSAC in 2017
Robyn Windeatt
Jade Lee and Emily Wolsoncroft
Danielle Bouwer and Keeley Oakes
Amy Beissel, Calista Smith, Maddison Taylor and Caitlyn Thomson
Ava Madden, Hannah Ricketts and Sarah Tonkin
Maddie George and Sarah Phipps
Maisie Henderson, Aisyah Jones, Alex Phipps and Georgia Taylor
Annie Alsop
Rosy Allen and Ebony Walton
Sophie Kershaw
Katie Rabe
Congratulations Rosy Allen – Rosy got her Umpire’s C Badge on Monday 7th August! Fabulous Rosy!
Congratulations Clare Brimelow – Clare got her Umpire’s C Badge on Monday 17th July.
She was also invited into the WCNR Umpiring Academy and had her first session last Sunday.
Fantastic to see you doing so well Clare!
Congratulations to the following girls, they are in the Junior Warriors Squad for this year:
Under 12s Junior Warriors squad: Sophie Ryan & Robyn Windeatt
Under 13s Junior Warriors squad: Keeley Oakes & Maddison Taylor
14U Cadet Squad: Rylee Hall
Individual Achievements 2016
Congratulations to the Beaumaris Netball Club athletes that were successful in gaining a position in the Regional Dare to Develop A Diamond Trials. We look forward to seeing you all compete in the upcoming Cadets and Regional Academy Cup.
Cadets: Tahlia Bryant, Kate Phipps, Jess Parker
Erin Horsfall is now a C Badge umpire – Congratulations!
Congratulations to the following girls who received individual Awards
at the recent 2016 Smarter Than Smoking Association Carnival…
Encouragement Award: Leuk Marsden-Nelson – 12A
Runner Up JNA Champion: Chanelle Tilbury – 15A
JNA Champion: Imogen Resta – 17
K. Rabe was in the Open A’s that took out the 2016 STSAC Team of the Year Award
Congratulations to our umpire Téa Becket. Téa has been selected for the West Coast Netball Region Umpire Academy for 2016. This is a reflection of not only her development but also her commitment to your umpiring throughout the season. Téa has the opportunity to umpire at the following events:
• Fitness Testing • Warriors Cup • Rules Discussion with Netball WA • Develop a Diamond Regional Academy Hub Day • WCNR Nutrition Talk 6 • WANL Grand Final • DADRA Hub Day • Academy Cup / Cadet Cup • WCNR Team trials & Match Play
Congratulations to the following Beaumaris Players for their selection in the 2016 Juniors Warriors Squad
Leuk Nelson-Marsden
Keeley Oakes
Hannah Ricketts
Maddie George
4 out of the 15 girls from JNA that got selected were from Beaumaris Netball Club
We are extremely proud of your efforts!
Congratulations to our Green Shirt Umpires for last Spring:
Isla Thomson
Emma Mitchell
Erin Horsfalls
Imogen Resta
Congratulations to the following Beaumaris Players for taking part in the 2016 Smarter Than Smoking Association Squads
Katie Rabe
Tahlia Bryant & Imogen Resta
Bethan Fountaine, Kate Phipps, Chanelle Tilbury & Ella Yates
Rosie Allen, Darcie Birchell, Zoe Harrison, Katherine Hodgins & Ebony Walton
Taleesha Grainger, Alexandra Phipps & Sarah Phipps
Amy Beissel, Amber Norton, Keeley Oaks & Calista Smith
Individual Achievements 2015
Brie Walters was named WA Tour Captain 2015.
We know she will be a fantastic leader for the State squad and we couldn’t be more proud of her.
Congratulations to the following girls for their achievements at the West Coast Netball Region Trials
Hana Stokes and Rachel Simmonds accepted to the Regional Academy Program
Ava Lennox and Ella Yates accepted to the Cadet Program
and Caitlin Moore has also got through
We have 2 new C Badge umpires!!
Achieving the umpire’s C Badge takes dedication and effort
Congratulations Téa Beckett & Jess Whitehouse
Congratulations to our Green Shirts!
BNC are proud to add more umpires to our Team!
Leteisha Lampard, Mia Donegan, Sarah Young
As of June 27th they all have completed the JNA Green Shirt Program!
Indoor State Squad have been announced:
Congratulations to all the Beaumaris Girls that have been selected for the Indoor State Squads!
U12’s – Sarah Phipps
U14’s – Emily Hathaway & Cassidy Smith
U16’s – Rachel Simmonds, Delaney Smith, Bree Walters, Imogen Resta & Tahlia Bryant
Congratulations Téa Beckett and Kiralee Bryant
Following their recent performance at the 2015 Development Programs Junior Warriors and Regional Academy / Cadets trials the girls have been asked to take ofe of only 4 places available to umpire the finals at the Warriors Cup on 28th June.
A fantastic achievement girls!
We are very proud to announce the success of many of our athletes who have recently trialled for selection in squads and teams through the Netball WA Pathway.
The following athletes have been selected to participate in the 2015 Junior Warriors program
13s – Caitlin Moore
The following athletes have made it through to final selections for the 2015 Cadet/Academy teams to be held this Sunday at the State Netball Centre.
Ava Lennox Hana Stokes Ella Yates Rachel Simmonds
Over the June long weekend many of our girls represented
Joondalup Netball Association at the Smarter Than Smoking Association Carnival.
Congratulations to all the girls that played and special mention to the following girls for their awards:
Of course you can’t have great teams without great coaches and three Beaumaris Coaches were selected to lead these talented girls.
Congratulations to coaches Karen Young ,Ingrid Bryant and Lynda Simmonds
and Assistant Coach Nicola Resta
Congratulations to our four umpires that have been Talent Identified and invited to Umpire at the upcoming trials for the 2015 West Coast Region Development Programs for the Junior Warriors and Regional Academy/Cadets in June.
Great job Jessica Whitehouse, Kiralee Bryant, Tahlia Bryant and Téa Beckett.
This girl is heading for the big time!
Congratulations Hana Stokes for being selected in the 15 State Schoolgirls Netball Team.
Your hard work is paying off. Off to Sydney now, GO HANA!!
Congratulations to Hana Stokes for being selected in the 2015 WA State Schoolgirls Squad – Awesome Effort Hana!
Jess Whitehouse – Bouncers Player of the Season – Spring 2014/15 Division 3. Congratulations Jess.
Player Achievements 2014
Isabelle Szemray has made it into the Warriors U18 team and Hana Stokes has been selected for the Warriors In Time development programme. Fantastic work girls – you make us proud!!
Our girls don’t stop just because it’s Spring! These girls have been selected for the State Indoor Netball Teams:
Congratulations Hana Stokes , Rachel Simmons , Brianna Walters, Michelle Bester, and Delaney Smith
Congratulations to our umpire Kiralee Bryant who was the only JNA umpire to have been invited to participate in a two day regional academy carnival.
BNC players have once again been selected in West Coast Netball Regional teams:
Academy –Team 1 – Hana Stokes and Isabelle Szemray – Team 1 finished 5th in their division – Great Effort Girls!
Cadets – Caitlin Murphy and Imogen Resta
Under 12’s – Michelle Bester and Caitlin Moore.
Well done girls!
Huge Congratulations again to Caitlin Moore who secured her place in the squad for State School Netball.
Caitie traveled to the Sunshine Coast in September and had a great time
Congratulations to Beaumaris Umpires, Kiralee Bryant and Téa Beckett who have been Talent Identified to umpire the Warrior’s Cup. Téa was then selected to umpire the finals for the Cup, WCNR selectors were so impressed with with her standard of umpiring they have offered her one of only two places available to umpire at the Belmont carnival! Jessica Whitehouse and Harriet Brookes are also congratulated on their umpiring at the State School Sport netball trials.
Well done to the following BNC players who were selected to represent JNA at the Members Association Carnival 2014:
Special congratulations to Martina Bossert (12U) and Caitlin Murphy (15U) who were both voted best Team Player of the Championships for JNA.
Congratulation also to Caitlin Murphy, Delaney Smith and Isabelle Szemray who played in the side that won the 15U Division 2 Grand Final, and to Kate Phipps and Isabella Forte who played in the 13U team that won the Division 4 Grand Final!
Michelle Bester, Caitlin Moore, Libby Tattersall, Erin Horsfall, Rebecca Letizia, Ebony Walton, Martina Bossert, Zoe Harrison.
Ellie Walters, Isabella Forte, Kate Phipps, Cassidy Smith, Chanelle Tilbery.
Tahlia Bryant, Leteisha Lampard, Hana Stokes, Bethany Brookes, Imogen Resta, Emma Wishart, Shelbie Elliman, Isla Manson, Sasha Pugsley.
Caitlin Murphy, Delaney Smith, Isabelle Szemray, Ashlee Dullard, Olivia Holt.
Brianna Walters
Player Achievements 2013
Well done to two of our U12 girls, Ellie Walters and Michelle Bester and U13’s Hana Stokes who were selected to represent WA in the 2013 State Indoor Netball Championship. The girls will travel to Sydney in December.
Congratulations to Caitlin Murphy and Isabelle Szemray who have been selected in the 2013 West Coast Netball Regions Cadet Program. The girls will compete in the Netball WA Cadet Carnival at Fremantle on the 18th of August.
BNC is very proud of the following players who won Best Player awards at the Members Association Carnival:
Kate Phipps 12B
Bethany Brookes 13B
Isabelle Szemray 14A
Lucy Gates 17B
Jade Morgan Open B
We would also like to congratulate Sasha-Lee Smith and Jade Morgan whose team won the Open B Grand Final, undefeated all week-end!
Congratulations to the following BNC players who were selected to represent JNA at the Members Association Carnival week-end on the 1st-3rd June 2013.
Open Sasha-Lee Smith Jade Morgan | U17A Cassie Hegarty | U17B Lauren Sherriffs Lucy Gates |
U15B Jessica Delaport Hannah Peters Montana Morgan Brianna Walters | U14A Caitlin Murphy Isabelle Szemray | U14B Ashlee Dullard |
U14C Emma Wishart | U13A Hana Stokes | U13B Leteisha Lampard Tahlia Bryant Georgia Brennan Bethany Brookes |
U13C Cheyenne Morgan Isla Manson | U12B Ellie Walters Kate Phipps |
Player Achievements 2012
Beaumaris Netball Club would like to congratulate our Umpire Coordinator, Tegan Hegarty on becoming a Cadet Umpire. This means that Tegan is now qualified to assess and award badging to umpires, congratulations on this huge achievement Tegan!
Well done to Caitlin Murphy who was selected in the Number One team of the 2012 Falconettes Squad! Caitlin competed in the Inter Regional Carnival on Sunday 19th August at Perth Netball Association.
Beaumaris Netball Club is very proud of the following players who were awarded the top individual awards from JNA for the Members Association Carnival!
Player voted Fairest and Best in the combined 12U and 13U age groups
Player voted Fairest and Best in the combined 14U and 15U age groups
Player voted Fairest and Best in the combined 17U and Open Divisions
Well done girls!!
Congratulations to the following BNC players who were selected to represent JNA at the Members Association Carnival week-end on the 2-4th June 2012.
Open A Open B U17
Natasha Stokes Bronte Booth Hannah Hawkins
Sasha-Lee Smith Courtney Urquhart Hayley Sherriffs
Cassie Gregoriadis Haylee Warhurst
U15 U14 U13
Cassie Hegarty Hannah Peters Caitlin Murphy
Lauren Sherriffs Montana Morgan Ashlee Dullard
Brianna Waters Jessica Dymock
Leteisha Lampard
Cheyenne Morgan
Hana Stokes
Well done to two of our senior Beaumaris girls, Hayley Sherriffs and Tash Stokes who travelled to Queensland in May 2012 to represent WA in the U18 team for the State Indoor Netball Campionships.
Congratulations Sasha-Lee Smith who was selected as a rookie for the Falcons Reserves in the 2012 State League competition
